What Has Been, What Is, What Might Be

Wild Animal Photos

Wild Animal Photos

So Ellie, I was in a place you wouldn't like buying something you would hate.  I was buying cigarettes for Tom at the casino because they are a lot cheaper there.  See what I mean - two things you hate!  But in the hallway leading to the shop where I buy the cigarettes they have this display area and I noticed that they had a couple of great animal pictures.  I took a couple of photos, but because the hallway was narrow and very brightly lit...and the pictures of the animals are covered by glass (or plastic) there is a lot of glare and reflection I couldn't get rid of no matter where I stood.  But they are still pretty cool pics of the animals.


Is that a coyote or a wolf?  A coyote I think (the bottom picture).  Because of the lighting it makes it seem that she is in the great out doors that have electric lights strung along the trees!  Weird.

The only reason the pictures are repeated is because I am still figuring this program out and I kinda like how it looks that way anyhow.

BTW, did you notice how the jumping coyote (if that is what it is) looks like the one I put on the tip of your skateboard?

So those were the three pics that I thought you would really like.  Hope you do.

Oh wait, I have one more wild animal pic for you...found this wild one in McD's.......

mcd wild animal 512